As we know, the disruption to travel caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is continuing this winter.
So, here are the facts as we understand them, and as they exist on 24 December 2020 if you are considering travel to, or from the USA. Please also see the link to the current official UK guidance and US guidance relating to COVID-19.
Can I visit the USA legally?
The UK Foreign Office advised against all but essential travel to the US.
Furthermore, as of 16 March 2020, it has not been possible for most British nationals to enter the USA if they’ve lived in or visited the UK, Ireland, the Schengen zone of Europe, Iran, Brazil or China within the last 14 days. This prohibition doesn’t apply to US citizens and permanent residents of the US, certain visa holders and family members of those who are entitled to travel. UN staff and diplomats can also travel to the US. If you are a visa-holder on the permitted list, you can enter and re-enter the US as long as your visa is valid.
In certain other, very limited circumstances, such as a business matter or humanitarian need, you may qualify for an exception to enter the US. In such a case, you’ll need to contact the US Embassy to find out if you can travel.
Download your free, comprehensive USA buying guide to find out everything you need to know about purchasing property in the USA.

The UK Foreign Office advised against all but essential travel to the US.
Will I need to quarantine when I get there?
If you are allowed to travel to the US, you will be subject to a screening process, given COVID-19 guidance and will have to home-quarantine for 14 days. Here is a fact sheet from the Department of Homeland Security. There are restricted number of airports to which you can travel.
In addition, if you move between states while you are within the US, you should visit the websites of the relevant state governments, as each state has their own rules regarding COVID-19 measures, for example the wearing of masks in public. You can find contact details of state websites here.
As an example of the current rules applicable in Florida, here’s a summary of the restrictions in place:
- Social distancing rules apply, and face masks are recommended where social distancing isn’t possible
- Restaurants, bars and nightclubs are allowed to open at full capacity for on-site consumption of food and drink.
- Shops and gyms are open at full capacity subject to social distancing rules, and businesses like beauticians and massage parlours are open but subject to special rules
- Theatres, cinemas, bowling alleys and arcades can open at full capacity
- Amusement parks have to be endorsed by the local authority in order to open
- Visits to nursing homes are allowed during special hours and visitors must wear masks and social distance
- Museums and libraries may open
Will I need to quarantine when I return?
Yes, you will need to self-isolate for 10 days after your return.
You must also complete an online form before you arrive in the UK, and when you arrive at the border you need to show a printed copy of the document attached to your confirmation email and a copy of the document on your phone.
Read our guide, How to Negotiate Abroad, for insider tips and tricks on getting the best price when dealing with estate agents.
Are flights still going?
Flights are still available to the US. For example, flights are available to New York, Boston, New York, Florida and Orlando throughout the autumn, with prices starting from around £190 for flights to New York.

Suburban Florida
If I’m buying property, what can I do in USA – e.g. can I view properties or see a lawyer?
Whether you can visit properties or see a lawyer will depend on the local rules. If you have already quarantined, and need to go out and about for purposes of your house search, you should check your local state’s rules for COVID-19 protective measures in effect. You’ll likely need to wear a mask during your visit, and larger gatherings may be prohibited or restricted.
Whether you can visit properties or see a lawyer will depend on the local rules.
What are the prospects for property prices in the US, post-COVID-19?
According to this recent article in the New York Times, certain areas within the US have a very buoyant housing market, particularly in the suburbs and outer areas of large cities, as people move out of densely-populated areas as a result of COVID-19. There’s evidence also that new buyers are keen to get on the property ladder, for fear of higher prices if they wait. According to the article, a recent survey indicated that house prices rose 45% from February 2012 to May 2020, although the article does sound a note of caution as home prices can go down as well as up!
SEARCH for properties currently for sale in the US here.
What are the prospects for further restrictions and lockdowns in the US?
The situation in the US continues to give cause for concern, as the country sees a sharp second wave of infections. Countrywide daily positive cases are around 232,000, and states like Florida are seeing around 11,400 new cases a day as of the 23 December.