USA real estate news
Stay up to date with the USA real estate news at USA Property Guides, where you will find updates on all things housing related.
Reading the latest US property market news is essential when you’re buying a house in America. Here, you’ll find coverage of many topics, including forecasts, new regulations, and the reports on new trends.

Top 4 US cities for avid hikers
If you crave the atmosphere of a lively city but also love long leisurely (or strenuous) walks in the countryside, discover these four US cities. They benefit from being close to beautiful mountain ranges, perfect for escaping the bustle and immersing yourself in nature.Read more...
Featured Articles
American Dad! The myth and reality.
In honour of Fathers’ Day, we take a look at paternity rights and life as a dad in the USA. Will you be entitled to unpaid leave and are stay-at-home dads accepted as the norm in modern America?Read more...
Are foreign buyers pushing up US house prices?
Property experts are saying that foreign investors are pushing demand and prices in the US property market. They do not, however, recommend Canadian-style restrictions.Read more...
Hurricanes – don’t throw caution to the wind!
As we celebrate the summer solstice we also enter hurricane season. If you’re buying a home in Florida, you need to check your insurance and take precautions.Read more...
An amazing job awaits you in the USA. Read our ultimate guide.
America is the original can-do country: if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. But they don’t give out visas to just anyone, so getting a job there is your first test of whether you’ll make a success of living stateside. Hundreds of thousands of us have already done it.Read more...
Could you afford the Big Little Lies lifestyle?
If you enjoyed the TV sensation Big Little Lies, you might just have wondered what Nicole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon and the other stars would have paid for those gorgeous homes overlooking the ocean?Read more...
American prices turbo-boosted by homes shortage
If you’re biding your time, waiting for an opportune moment to make a property purchase in the USA, you will want to stay on top of how the market’s performing and where your money will go the furthest. Today we analyse the US homes market’s lively start to 2017.Read more...
America takes Pride in its LBGT lifestyles
The USA is one of the most advanced countries in the world in its welcome to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights. It gave us Pride, Harvey Milk, the Rainbow Flag and Brokeback Mountain. But not every part of this proud country is quite so switched on to alternative lifestyles.Read more...
“Holiday rentals pay for our Disney home’s running costs!”
Get it right and a holiday home in the Disney area of Florida should pay for itself in rentals. We meet one couple who share their own experienceRead more...