USA real estate news
Stay up to date with the USA real estate news at USA Property Guides, where you will find updates on all things housing related.
Reading the latest US property market news is essential when you’re buying a house in America. Here, you’ll find coverage of many topics, including forecasts, new regulations, and the reports on new trends.

Top tips for buying safely in Florida
Decided 2024 is the year to snap up your own Sunshine State vacation home? To set you off on the right foot, we highlight five potential hazards for foreign buyers new to the quirks of Florida’s real estate market. We know – it’s hard not to be distracted by the state’s thrilling leisure attractions and theme parks, not to mention the stunning beaches! But stay focused during your search for a property and you should be guaranteed endless fun for years to come.Read more...
Featured Articles
Buying in the USA, part six: property management
With its year-round sun, theme parks, beaches and other attractions, Florida is a tourist hotspot, no matter the season. No wonder that so many choose to rent out their property while they’re not there! However. you’ll need to make sure it’s properly set up. This week, we’re looking at your options for property management in Florida.Read more...
“We wanted something that worked hard for our money”
Mark and Julie Bacon have had fantastic family holidays in Florida, but a recent property investment there has made them even bigger fans of the Sunshine State. They got the keys to their hotel-style apartment, or condo, in Orlando in September. Straight away they entered it into the on-site rental scheme and already are seeing a 7% return.Read more...
Buying in the US, Part Five: Removals
You’ve got your visa, you’ve put down your house deposit, your papers are all in order, but there’s just one more thing left to organise: getting your possessions over. When you’re heading off to the other side of the Atlantic, you’ll need a bit more than a man with a van – so what’s the best way to organise a long-haul removal?Read more...
Wilder weekends: exploring the US’s wildlife
Let’s face it – the UK is hardly Top of the Pops when it comes to potential for wildlife encounters. The closest we tend to get to the animal kingdom, is either a cuddle with a humble house cat, or maybe a fox making a racket behind the bins while we’re trying to sleep. When you move to the USA, it will be a different story entirely. Forget the humble badger, in some parts of the USA, you’ll have coyotes, mountain lions and bears living in your neck of the woods!Read more...
What’s moving to the USA like for singles?
Moving to the US is a big leap, but is very rewarding. Unlike in some places, many Brits move to here on their own, for work or just for a change. So how is it moving to the USA as a single person?Read more...
What’s in store for the US property market in 2019?
The US property market in 2019 looks to continue the trend for high prices, with asking prices almost 50% higher than ten years ago – but if you know where to look, and just as importantly, what type of property to look for, you’ll be able to find bargains (and it’s all thanks to lower sales volumes – we’ll show you where).Read more...
Your handy guide to local taxes in the USA
Tax is a complicated business no matter where you decide to park yourself in the world. However, when you buy overseas, it’s vital to understand how your tax situation will be affected. For those hoping to buy property in the USA, getting your head around the system might take a head scratching. In America, tax is imposed at a federal, state AND a local government level. Yes – this means that you can be taxed by all three at once! Additionally, the US is one of only two countries in the world to tax non-resident citizens on their worldwide income, although they do offer a tax credit for foreigRead more...
Registering a car and getting a license in the USA
As of 2016, there were 222 million registered drivers on the road in the USA. Having a car is essential for getting round, even in most large cities. Even more so if you’re keen to make like Kerouac and go ‘on the road’ to see what your new country has to offer. Today we’re looking at whether you need a US driving licence, and if so, how to get one. We run through how to register a vehicle. Plus, you’ll find some quick, handy tips about how to drive safely when you move to the USA.Read more...