With its year-round sun, theme parks, beaches and other attractions, Florida is a tourist hotspot, no matter the season. No wonder that so many choose to rent out their property while they’re not there! However. you’ll need to make sure it’s properly set up. This week, we’re looking at your options for property management in Florida.
The US property market in 2019 looks to continue the trend for high prices, with asking prices almost 50% higher than ten years ago – but if you know where to look, and just as importantly, what type of property to look for, you’ll be able to find bargains (and it’s all thanks to lower sales volumes – we’ll show you where).
Tax is a complicated business no matter where you decide to park yourself in the world. However, when you buy overseas, it’s vital to understand how your tax situation will be affected. For those hoping to buy property in the USA, getting your head around the system might take a head scratching. In America, tax is imposed at a federal, state AND a local government level. Yes – this means that you can be taxed by all three at once! Additionally, the US is one of only two countries in the world to tax non-resident citizens on their worldwide income, although they do offer a tax credit for foreig
America loves shopping and knows where to find a bargain. It invented the modern retail experience, from supermarkets to Amazon deliveries to fast food emporia. America killed off a few consumer goods along the way too, with smartphones and online services replacing much of what we used to cram into our shopping bags. So, with all that innovation, is it cheaper than other places? The all-new USA cost of living index investigates a range of prices, including our new ways of spending.
Moving house is stressful enough, but when you add a transatlantic move to a new continent the stress factors add up. One way to make it easier is if the cost is brought down. Here are the USA Property Guide’s four top tips to save