Let’s face it – the UK is hardly Top of the Pops when it comes to potential for wildlife encounters. The closest we tend to get to the animal kingdom, is either a cuddle with a humble house cat, or maybe a fox making a racket behind the bins while we’re trying to sleep. When you move to the USA, it will be a different story entirely. Forget the humble badger, in some parts of the USA, you’ll have coyotes, mountain lions and bears living in your neck of the woods!
Moving to the US is a big leap, but is very rewarding. Unlike in some places, many Brits move to here on their own, for work or just for a change. So how is it moving to the USA as a single person?
America loves shopping and knows where to find a bargain. It invented the modern retail experience, from supermarkets to Amazon deliveries to fast food emporia. America killed off a few consumer goods along the way too, with smartphones and online services replacing much of what we used to cram into our shopping bags. So, with all that innovation, is it cheaper than other places? The all-new USA cost of living index investigates a range of prices, including our new ways of spending.